Jewelry can be a greater significance to you than just an adornment.
The ring on your finger should be a spiritual reminder to point. When pointing outward, take some responsibility to point to a better path to travel down when someone you care about appears to be going in a wrong direction. When pointing inward, take time to reflect on what you are doing and where you are going. You should be moving in a spiritual direction which is pleasing to the Almighty.
Earrings should be a spiritual reminder to listen to others, whether young or old. There is always some importance to be found somewhere in their words. You have a spiritual duty to empathize with their thoughts and feelings. This brings their souls closer to you, which in turn brings you closer to the Infinite.
Your necklace is the piece closest to your heart. Each day when you touch it, remember to touch the heart of someone else. This will put a piece of heaven with you here on Earth.
Wear your jewelry as a physical adornment, but remember it is also there to embellish your soul.