Most of us feel that division among us is not good, for divided we fall. But this is not always the case. Sometimes division can be very good. For example, dividing ourselves from negative influences, be it an individual, a group or a society, is good.
It is when we separate ourselves from positive influences that it is not good. If you separate from positive sources because you feel that you are higher or holier than they are, your inflated ego and misguided thinking get in the way of your good spirit and karma.
Good is good, no matter the quality or the quantity. You know deep down that you are good. Divide yourself from that which is not good, surround yourself with any source which has goodness in it, and your spirit will keep smiling.
See? I can sense that you are smiling already.
It is when we separate ourselves from positive influences that it is not good. If you separate from positive sources because you feel that you are higher or holier than they are, your inflated ego and misguided thinking get in the way of your good spirit and karma.
Good is good, no matter the quality or the quantity. You know deep down that you are good. Divide yourself from that which is not good, surround yourself with any source which has goodness in it, and your spirit will keep smiling.
See? I can sense that you are smiling already.