The atom is insignificant in size when compared to other things in our world.  As individuals, we sometimes feel the same way.  Yet we can learn much from science by understanding how we can harness energy from an individual atom.
Take fission:  A simple explanation of this technology is that huge amounts of energy are emitted when an atom is broken up.  You may feel as small as an atom in the big picture of things, but by breaking up your ego and your bad habits, great amounts of Divine energy can emit from you.

Don’t be intimidated by thoughts which make you feel like you are insignificant.  The more you master your technology as a person, the more powerful you will become.  Just like an atom, you may be small and individual, but you have the power and energy inside of you to significantly change your world.

One thought on “

  1. This is one of the most powerful pieces yet. Just keep them coming. I hope all who read this smile today comprehend the secrect that is in the power of positive flowing energy in us humans.

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