Repentance has one main condition: One must take full responsibility for his sin, and not make excuses. Excuses are just ways to try to get a lighter sentence. One must admit to failure and sin, and then repent deep within one’s heart… and that heart should feel hurt and broken.
Here’s an example of the first excuse given by the first man, taken from the Bible: Adam ate the forbidden fruit and then tried to give an excuse to God – “The woman who You gave to me tempted me to eat of it.” This is why his repentance did not help.
It’s natural to fail and sin, as we are not perfect. But when we do, we must own up to it and put the full burden on our shoulders and in our heart. If you truly feel that weight at both places, don’t feel like you are a loser. On the contrary, you are a winner. You will rise up higher than before, be respected by your peers, and you will become more spiritually sound.