A person does not become a criminal by thinking about committing a crime.  He becomes a criminal only if he acts on it and actually commits the crime.
Likewise, when you have a sinful thought you have not sinned.  A sin is defined as an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.  There is no repentance needed if you stumble in ethical or moral thought.  As long as you are strong enough to not act on your thought, the goodness in your soul will lift you up and you will be all the better for it.

2 thoughts on “

  1. Actions are originated from Ideas and these thought process culminates from the prevailing environment & circumstances. A robbers son not necessarily will become a robber but if he is brought up in the same environment the probability of him taking up the same profession is very likely. Similarly ill intentions comes in package when a human is born as its the reflection “MAYA” what the world we live in coincides. The reality is that before a birth of a child he/she is already influenced by the outside world knowingly or unknowingly so the GOOD & THE BAD comes with them when they are born. Now your (“KARMA” /Actions) will make you the person you want to be……

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