After my Dad died I felt I didn’t really appreciate him as much as I could have, and I felt regret.  When someone close to you passes, don’t have that same feeling.  Make the time to experience the minds and the spirit of your family and your friends.  You will be enriched, and when one of those good souls passes on you will have more warm and cherished memories to hold on to and less regret to let go of.

One thought on “

  1. Unfortunately we human do not realize up until we regret. We know and behave the way we should not when it matters the most but are spellbound and live in a fictitious anomaly of circumstances. Why..? The reason is very simple because we live in a mirage of self reflection and are not able to see beyond ourselves. What a pity and curse to be born as a human…….. So much of a potential going waste in self destruction!

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