Having spirituality works the same way as having a garden. It requires time, effort and nurturing in order to produce good results.
The soil can be compared to our soul. We start with the hardest work: Removing all the weeds. Then we must plant untainted seeds. We should also add healthy, soul uplifting nutrients. Every day or so we must check on its growth. We must keep it watered regularly to protect it from the scorching heat of lies and corruption. We must look for and remove the weeds of bad influences which want to take over our garden.
If we do this we will keep our spiritual garden healthy and thriving. Then we can realize and enjoy the harvest of the produce: Joy and nourishing self worth.
This is one of the best post I have read anywhere year to date. I consider myself an advance reader meaning I read about a book every 3-5 weeks. Why is this post so powerful, simple… Read it again! Just imagine the ripple effect this could have if a house adapt to this mentality, then waved out in our community. What a world we would experience… Can we say awesome!.
We can also say, Amen!