Let’s say a man was down on his luck in his early years, but there were folks in town who let him stay with them, with free rent and board, to help him out. He eventually left town and years later became very wealthy. When he returns home for a week on business, he runs into the people who helped him in his youth. If they invite him to spend some time with them, it wouldn’t be right for him to refuse, as it could hurt their feelings. If they were good enough for him when he was poor, that attitude shouldn’t change because he was now rich.

Just as it is good for you to help someone in need, it is just as good for you to show gratitude to those who aided you. After all, you wouldn’t be where you are today if not for the support of others. Your station in life has nothing to do with who you, or others, are. Your soul is no better or worse than any other, regardless of your physical or material condition.

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