The Bible said God created us in His image. Create your world to make it a good one for you, so you feel comfortable with who you are. Others will be drawn to you and be inspired by you. It is not through any proselytizing but by your deeds where people will be more likely to follow the sounds of the music you sing to life.

One thought on “

  1. When “God” created mankind hoping his creation will be a mirror image of his! But mankind translated that in real sense & thought they are “God” and are the ultimate authority for every aspect of this universe. So now God is in a predicament how to change this realm!
    It is like you try to shape a Play Doh with a picture in mind and for some reason you end up coming up with something you had not expected. Then what you do, you try to shape it again. Unfortunately “God” is not getting the second chance to undo that and make a new one. He is trying his best to reshape & modify the same image to make it right….. If God gives up then its end of the world! He is not giving up his FAITH & BELIEF and showing all of us even if things are not right, you do not give up. Keep trying to make it right…

    That is the message he is trying to give all of Mankind!

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