A bunch of you decide to get together and climb a mountain. You meet at the base, look towards the top (which is your objective), and decide on which is the best route to climb the mountain. You decide on the path which looks to have the easiest means of ascent, and therefore the least strenuous.

But some decide they don’t want to hike up the same path you want to take. They prefer to take another path, a path which they think looks to have more flora and fauna along the way. Yet another small group decides to take the steepest means of ascent. They believe it will present the greatest challenge and therefore the greatest satisfaction. And still another group decides to hike around to the other side of the mountain, the side which cannot be seen at the present time, and see what challenges and opportunities await them there.

You are a little unhappy that you are all not taking the same way to the top. Yet you do what is right, you wish them all luck and then your group begins the ascent while the other groups get started on theirs.

Eventually you and your group arrive at the top of the mountain and experience all its glory. After a while you notice that all the other groups have also made it to the top, and you each have had different experiences along the way. But the main objective had been reached by all, that being experiencing the joy, satisfaction and elation of the journey and reaching the destination.

The mountain is the way to reach the highest spiritual experience of your life. It doesn’t matter which way you choose to climb it, the purpose it to ascend to the top. Many people get there, many through different paths. There is not one path, no better path, no wrong path. As long as you or someone else makes it to the top, you are all entitled to the reward of getting there.

If you feel your path is the right path, keep on it and don’t let anyone convince you to deviate. After all, it is your path. If your path doesn’t appear to take you to the top, then be open to changing your course. The joy of reaching your destination awaits you.

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