There are those who, after working for a long time, will tell you they’re tired of their job, they find it boring, or it’s just the same old routine with nothing new. Why? Because someone who works for a company frequently is in a situation where they do what is required of them and then collects a paycheck to live on. Their idea of “what’s in it for me” is only the money they make and that their company stay in business to guarantee the former. There is no thrill in that.
It’s different for people who own their company. They do their very best all the time to make sure their customers are satisfied. This brings them pride, satisfaction, and the opportunity to make as much of a fortune as possible. The success of their business is dependent on them and their decisions. This gives them renewed energy every day and makes their work challenging and satisfying. As work takes up so much of their lives, their lives in turn are challenging and satisfying.
When you read your Holy Book, take from it what the business owner does. Make it challenging and satisfying every time you pick it up. Those words are the work for your soul. What you get out of them is what you invest in them. Just as the owner does whatever it takes to satisfy his customer, do whatever it takes to satisfy the essence inside you. Then, as you read those spiritual words, you will reap the rewards of making as much of a spiritual fortune as possible from the time you put into it. That is the greatest compensation. You won’t find it boring or routine – and you’ll be your own spiritual boss.