If someone asked you for a loan, would you agree? You would probably think it depended on who that person was. If was someone you didn’t know well, you would be afraid of losing your money.

But what if that person had guarantors? If you felt you could rely on them, you most likely would give that person a loan.

And what if the guarantor was the Government of the United States? Then you would definitely give that person a loan, as you would have total confidence you’d get your money back.

When you give charity, you are, in effect, extending a loan to the ‘Government of the Universe’. When you give graciously to the poor, you are extending a loan guaranteed by The Almighty. He will repay all that is due you, including interest. In this world, He will ensure you get back what you loaned. In the next world, you will get the full interest on your loan.

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