Giving to someone is not always a good deed.  If someone needs money or a favor and you help, this would be a good deed.  But if someone is lazy or devious and just uses others to help support him, to give this person money or a favor would not be a good deed.  You would only be enabling him to continue down a bad path, and this is not doing something for the betterment of that person.

There are different levels of giving.  These are (in order from the lowest):

To give begrudgingly.
To give less that you should, but at least giving it cheerfully.

To give when someone asks you to.

To give from your heart before
someone asks you to.
To give when you don’t know who you’re giving to, but they know who you are
and what you are doing.
To give when you know the person involved, but he doesn’t know who you are or what you are doing.

To give when neither of you know who the other person is.

To give someone an opportunity to become self-reliant.

You are performing a good deed when you do any of the above categories, yet how blessed you are when you give from a level that is on the lower half of this list.

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