Our intrinsic nature is composed of the spiritual and the physical. Through time it is destined to change. The change in our physical composition is obvious, as it is with most living things. We can see and feel these altered states, not just with our eyes, but with our spirit and our soul.

There are times when we feel strong internally, knowing we can fight any battle that comes before us. There are also times when we feel weak and vulnerable, feeling as if our energy has abandoned us. It is at times like these when we must realize our lives, all life, is in a constant state of flux. Our emotions and spirituality can rise and drop like a roller coaster..

Therefore we mustn’t disregard our physical being, as this is where our soul makes its home, and we are worse off when we live in a home which is in disrepair. Eat right, exercise to some degree, stay away from areas and people which are harmful to your body. This will help to bring a more constant and positive energy to your body, which will eventually migrate to your soul and your spirit. Doesn’t that sound like how you want to feel?

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