About Raz

Michael Shapiro is currently writing a book titled HIDDEN MEANINGS IN CREATION. It looks at creation from both biblical and scientific viewpoints. The stark parallels between the two are studied, showing surprising parallels between these two different arenas. Bold, new spiritual concepts and meanings will also be uncovered. You will read about many mysteries and understandings which will be brought to light for the first time. Look for it in the near future.

When we visit people who are bedridden, some of us imagine an angel or an ethereal presence hovering over them. This is not to imply that death is near. It tells us the Holy One is watching over them and loves them.
Should you become very sick, and may that never come to pass in the near future (Amen), it isn’t because God has deserted you. Your illness was caused by something terrible in nature or in your life, not from anything willed upon you by the Almighty.
For everything there is a time or a season, even when it feels like it’s the wrong time. Don’t lose faith because you don’t understand why. No one else does, either. It may not seem so, but you are always loved by a power far greater than you can imagine.

Having strong feelings is good.for you. It can define who you are and how you live. But holding on to them can’t be good for you or for others. When it comes to temptation, politics, or business (as examples), you can’t be objective and rational when unhealthy feelings take control of you.

If you try to justify your wicked emotional behavior, the chances of you doing what is right are slim. So when you feel emotions such as anger, jealousy, or greed, be determined to let the goodness in you take control. Then you can make a smart choice, one which will benefit you, others, and your soul.

When you show others how beautiful the world is, you elevate them, you help them to be on a higher level. You have the power to do that, and in turn you will empower them.

Being too passionate with good or bad feelings can veil your view of reality. Being enamored can overtake your mind. Loathing can overtake your soul. Such feelings can make your friends and family seem like enemies. But in reality, you are being your own worst enemy.

Feelings define who you are, and you can affect those you share them with. Thoughts determine what you do, and your actions can affect many more people than you might realize.

Your passions are your spiritual endowments. The good ones are nothing short of wonderful, the bad ones are debilitating. Let your heart move you, but let your mind rule. There’s a reason why your brain is higher in your body than your heart.   

Have you ever noticed how some people walk into a room and they seem to own it? They do – and so do you. Here’s why:
We all have a personal space around us. Various sources say it varies from two to four feet. Regardless, it’s your space. You own it, and no one can take that away from you.

So when you walk into a room, don’t be shy. Walk in with pride and ownership. The spiritual space surrounding you is all yours. You will exude self-confidence, and your positive spirit will emanate. Others will feel it and respond in kind. And your soul will love the energy. 

The reason some people behave in an evil way is because they don’t appreciate and understand the benevolence given to them by the Almighty. Realizing this, they would become spiritually indebted, not only to Him but to all life. Then their behavior would change, and they would not act so badly and selfishly.
Treasure this gift which has been given to you and you will be given a greater gift in the World to Come.

Who is the greatest spy you have ever heard of? Is it James Bond? No.

It’s God. He is always working under cover, never seen but always watching you, preparing you.

And what is He preparing you for? There are many answers. Make yours one which is right for you, one which will bring you happiness with the situation in your life.

How often have you heard someone say you should know your limits? That’s bull roar! It’s a precursor to failure.
You have the ability to achieve whatever you put your mind to. You are limited only by the restrictions you place on yourself. Put in a greater effort if you haven’t been able to reach your goal, greater than you think possible. Show the world, more importantly, show yourself that you are not going to bow down to the false gods of illusion.

Even if you’re on the right road, continue to do the things which will help you to reach your destination. If you just sit there, you’ll eventually get run over.

Time is a precious commodity. Frittering away your time is foolish and counterproductive.

Your time is very precious and has great worth. Make the best use of it and your life will be rich. If time is money, by spending it wisely just imagine how prosperous you will be.