Why do people feel so good after leaving a church, mandir, mosque, synagogue, temple, or any place to get together to pray? Because when people pray together, their spirits join in. They reach a spiritual state which is different from solitary prayer. That doesn’t mean it’s better than praying alone, it’s just different.

Group prayer is a path to glimpse the true nature of Heaven. That is when we become part of a holy essence. We can feel it all around us. It’s a holy energy. We become harmonious and unified with other souls when praying with them.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we all lived in harmony and unity? We would become one with the Eternal One. The Energy of the Universe would manifest itself. May that happen in our lifetime, Amen.

Until then, feel that awesome energy by praying with others.

You already know there is beauty all around you. Yet there are times when you are in such a bad mood that you can’t see any beauty anywhere. So how can you find it during those times?

Think of a moment when you were happiest. Not just any good moment, so think. Really think! Where were you when you were the happiest in your life, and what were you doing? Remember that time, and store it away in your memory where you can retrieve it.

The next time you’re in a foul mood, take a moment to be alone. Remember that time you just thought of and focus intensely on it. Let all of your senses become part of it again. After you relive that memory, you should be in a better place emotionally and spiritually. Then you can return to, and enjoy, the beauty and the people in your life.

When we give someone a hug, we are implicitly showing we are one with them. It is a gesture expressing connection, not just physically but spiritually. A hug in a marriage is a display of a commitment lasting forever. A hug to a family member embodies a blood connection as well as a spiritual one. And a hug to a best friend implies dependability for a lifetime.

A hug brings inner warmth, both to the giver and to the receiver. Today, give at least one person a hug. This will bring a spiritual smile to both of you.

When you takes bellows to the embers of a fire, the fire can come back to life because there is still a spark to be found there.

When someone is feeling very depressed, they are embers of their spiritual fire. Be the bellows that ignites their spark..