People often judge the wealthy by the material things they have invested in and acquired. Yet the most valuable acquisitions, those which require the biggest investment of your time, energy and effort, are your genuine friends. They contribute the most to your well-being. They are the ones who make you truly rich.

To have a strong and meaningful relationship with someone, you don’t always have to be on the same page. Just be reading from the same book.

What worked for you in the past might hold you back tomorrow. When you see things changing around you, don’t be worried. Embrace it and be part of it. Alter your role in life, or do something which you have never done, experienced or created before. You will experience a degree of success, and your world and spirit will move to a better place because of your vision.

When you give love to someone who needs it you are watering a wilting vegetable garden. He or she will regain their strength and eventually become fruitful because of your effort.