To say that you don’t walk alone if you walk with God is a nice expression, but it doesn’t make much sense.  It is like saying that you don’t swim alone if you swim with the ocean.  You swim with fish, because the ocean itself doesn’t swim. 

We are part of God in the same way that aquatic life is part of the ocean.  The ocean is all around aquatic life.  God is all around us, as well as all around and in everything in the Universe.   

Therefore, no matter what your situation, no matter what your belief system, God is always with you.  You are never, ever alone.

You are defined by your behavior, your interests and your nature.  Do you act differently around various people, groups or situations?  Do your parents or children know you the same way that your friends do?  Do your friends know you the same way as your associates do? 

Try this experiment some time:  Ask those in your various circles to define you.  Will you get the same descriptions?  Will you hear a quality about yourself which will surprise you? 

Those definitions define you.  When others know you as you know yourself, and if you acknowledge yourself the way others acknowledge you, you can rest assured that your soul is at One. 

The more consistent you are in how you lead your life, the more pure your life is.     

There is a voice which you can sometimes hear, a soft mental message from your conscience or even from your subconscious, which whispers to you when you are about to make a choice. You aren’t a prophet, but you can be granted a glimpse of the future from your intuition, your senses or your past experience.

When your heart has chosen a path, it’s often challenging to listen to the voice of your healthy mind; but that voice is a very precious gem which should not be discarded.  So when you think you hear it, turn up the volume!  It comes from the One, from the Life Force around you and inside you.  It is your guide to events and a life which will be better for you.