Even if you have to go to work each day, you shouldn’t make your job your purpose in life. Your work requires effort because it’s the pathway for making your living. And hopefully your job benefits others and makes it worthwhile for you.

But the true source of your living comes from performing good deeds, where you receive rewards with no financial gain. This is where your spirituality lies, deep within you, and where you will be ultimately fulfilled.

Let’s not perceive the negative energies which are around us and inside of us to be bigger than what they should be. Spiritual highs are attained when you free yourself from human concerns such as pain, anguish, anger, and all the other damaging forces.

When you don’t like what you are doing, others will sense your unhappiness and failure is imminent. You can’t completely hide the negative energy emanating from your soul. When you find delight in your undertaking, your soul will emanate a positive energy which will bring you success. Do what you enjoy to live a life which is good for you.

We become a better musician through practice, playing our instrument repeatedly in the hope of becoming a virtuoso.
We become a better farmer through practice, planting each year in the hope of yielding better crops.
We become a better athlete through practice, spending hours in the gym or on the field in the hope of excelling in our sport.

You can become more spiritual through practice, by finding some inspiration or revelation each day. With such practice, you will reach greater spiritual heights. If you hope of being touched by God, without practice you might not be adequately prepared for the experience.