The atom is insignificant in size when compared to other things in our world.  As individuals, we sometimes feel the same way.  Yet we can learn much from science by understanding how we can harness energy from an individual atom.
Take fission:  A simple explanation of this technology is that huge amounts of energy are emitted when an atom is broken up.  You may feel as small as an atom in the big picture of things, but by breaking up your ego and your bad habits, great amounts of Divine energy can emit from you.

Don’t be intimidated by thoughts which make you feel like you are insignificant.  The more you master your technology as a person, the more powerful you will become.  Just like an atom, you may be small and individual, but you have the power and energy inside of you to significantly change your world.

One of the greatest crimes that we can commit against our spirit and soul is not one such as murder or robbery, as these are acts which can usually be defined.  The crime I speak of is senseless hatred.  Because it is very difficult to define, it is very difficult to correct within ourselves.  Just as disturbing is that it is frequently accepted with a shrug, or simply ignored, by many.  This makes it far more dangerous, as this crime can spread like a virus. 


How can you combat this, at least within yourself?  It might sound elementary, but the answer is Love.  When that negative inclination starts to take you over, give Love some time to repress it.  Feel it, take it in, and give it – freely and often.  Love is the energy in the Universe which will redeem us over anything else.  Give and receive some today.  Actually, give and receive much today.   

The phrase, “Seeing is believing” is no longer valid in today’s world.  Computer generation and technology can make our eyes see things that appear real when, in fact, they are not.  Todays magicians (and how about those wishing to mold the way people think?) ply their trade by utilizing new technologies to become today’s modern marvels.  We can no longer trust our eyes to see that which is real.

But our soul cannot be so easily duped.  It can “see” through the veils of trickery, as what is physical is not a high priority in the spiritual realm.  Instead, our soul connects to the energy of the Universe.  Sometimes we “see” something different from our eyes based on an inner sense, which is actually our soul at work..  Men frequently refer to this as their gut feeling, and women call it their intuition.  Regardless of what you call it, it’s the most valuable gift given to you.  You do have a soul.  Trust it.

How can you better yourself?  By taking yourself seriously enough to fully and faithfully consider your actions and positions in life.  What does that mean and how do you go about it?

Start by concentrating on a single element of your being, be it a negative one (anger, laziness, procrastination, etc.) or a positive one ( empathy, kindness, sense of humor, etc.).  See it for what it truly is and how it affects you and/or those around you.

Set your goal to minimize the negative trait or maximize the positive one, depending on which trait you decide to focus in on.  Purposely set aside about an hour or so a week to ruminate or meditate on only that one element.  It will work wonders.

You will find less distress in your life, and you will have more joy and purpose.  You will expand the spiritual being inside you, the spirit which acquires more energy from within and from all around you.  That potential is yours.  Just commit yourself to try it.