What should you do if you want a heavy burden lifted from you? Well, don’t pray to be relieved of it. Instead, ask for more strength.
What should you do if you want a heavy burden lifted from you? Well, don’t pray to be relieved of it. Instead, ask for more strength.
We exist in the waters of life, affecting who we are and what we will be. But today most of that water has become polluted.
Your soul has the quality of oil, which can rise to the top of that dirty water. There it can remain mostly free from the spiritual contaminates so pervasive in the world today. Rise above the water, and see the light from the heavens above!
Some people look at money as the be all and end all in life. This is like idol worship. . . and we shouldn’t worship idols.
Of course we need money to survive. But don’t think of money as more important than anything else. Make your priorities your loved ones, friends, and favorite vocations. This is how to find substance in life, and real spiritual power.