When you do something for someone, a reward might be nice – if only a word or two of appreciation. But when you do something for one you love, the gratification you get is your reward. And the more you do for her/him/it, the deeper your love and more intimate your spiritual connection. How wondrous is the beauty, depth and joy of love! 

All things and events have a spiritual effect, and anger is no exception.  Anger can be compared to a large California wildfire:  Once it gets out of control, containing it is extremely difficult. 

Anger is a natural feeling, so you must use all your resources to master it.  If you don’t, it can run out of control and its flames will consume you. And for every moment you are angry, you lose a moment of joy.    

If you believe in a higher power, know that you are definitely not glorifying the Almighty if you go about spouting catchphrases like, “Praise the Lord!”, but then go about your life acting like a goon.