Don’t allow bad ideas or actions which appeal to your emotions to cloud your intellect. It is reason which will bring you spiritually clear skies.

Spending time focused on anguish due to awful emotional events gets you stuck in self-pity and hopelessness. That erodes your soul and spirit. Instead, direct your attention and actions towards others.

 You can do it. You’ll escape your despair and find purpose and direction again. Relief will follow, and as a bonus you will bring fulfillment to others. Then you’ll be free from your emotionally dark prison.

Someone close to me deals with hardships daily, physically and emotionally. Yet she’s quick to laughter and empathy.  She finds humor and sensitivity in everything.  This is the marrow in her soul. 

You have it as well. It gives your spirit strength to work through your hardships. No one or nothing can deplete your soul’s marrow. It is inherent in you. Sometimes you may think it’s not there, but it is. It is.

Being jealous or envious of someone is a sign of insecurity.  You have no valid reason to harbor self doubt because you have a singular quality which no one else has, and others might hold a hidden admiration of you which you will never know about.  Believe it. It’s true. Others know it.