The Bible said God created us in His image. Create your world to make it a good one for you, so you feel comfortable with who you are. Others will be drawn to you and be inspired by you. It is not through any proselytizing but by your deeds where people will be more likely to follow the sounds of the music you sing to life.

Achieving greatness is not preordained, even if the circumstances which allow for it are. There is no guarantee of success.

It is said if you don’t go through the window of opportunity when open, you will miss your chance. Don’t believe such negativity. If you can’t open it, go through the adjoining door. Your own actions and ingenuity are what will make your dream come to fruition.

Your body language conveys how you feel about yourself as well as to those you are interacting with. So carry yourself well, and walk to show your life has meaning, because it does. By maintaining good posture, you keep your physical and spiritual manner erect. In this way you are in greater harmony with your surroundings.

Our lives are often an impure mixture of spiritual ascension with self-centeredness. We attend our church, synagogue, or mosque, yet later that day we do or say things contrary to those religious ideals. Although our actions may seem hypocritical at times, we must try to be consistent if we are to reach our ideals.

You are not perfect, so occasional lapses are natural and to be expected. The effects from your misdeeds are only temporary, only lasting until reparation or repentance. However, the effects from your good deeds can last a lifetime.