The voice of reason is very strong and powerful, yet it is still a quiet voice. So it is with the voice of the One who guides you. You frequently have to listen very carefully in order to hear the message.

We all make business decisions in our lives. Definitions for ‘business’ include ‘matters to be attended to’ and ‘a person’s concern’.

Our best business decisions come when we put the business of our lives and the lives of others over money (not that financial decisions are irrelevant or unimportant). An example of such a business decision would be when you decide to be with family members when they need you over staying at work to attend to the needs of a customer or client.

As I’ve stated before, you can make more money when time allows, but you cannot replace the time it takes to care for yourself or others when that time has come and gone.

Empathetic business decisions mean the most to your soul. Make a good business decision today and you will make your spirit smile.

When it comes to dealing with your enemies, you have to use every appropriate means which suits the need of the hour. Even though you are fighting, fighting evil and badness is not a sin. On the contrary, you are committing a sin if you don’t fight against that which is evil or vitriolic.

You become valuable when you stand up and fight for what is good. You will have honor and self respect, and that puts you in a very admirable place. If you are fighting against something or someone bad or evil, keep your fortitude and you will overcome.

Don’t get too attached to your physical possessions. Many of them give you such pleasure… some simply because you know they are yours. Try not to get too distraught if one breaks or gets stolen, as that can happen. Even worse, if your circumstances change, God forbid, it could be someone else living in your home, driving your car, or wearing your jewelry or favorite jacket.

The only things which you truly own are your spirituality and the good deeds which you do. If you give either of them up, and that can only happen through your choice, your life will lose it’s significance. If you never let them go, you will experience the most joy and your life will be blessed.