Be like oil. We exist in the waters of life, and those waters affect who and what we are. Unfortunately, it seems as if most of life’s waters today are polluted. Yet the qualities in oil always make it so it can rise to the top. You have the qualities to be like oil.
Monthly Archives: January 2016
It’s okay to have an ego. After all, God has one. Just read the first of the “Ten Commandments”.
So if it’s good enough for God, and as we are made in His image, it’s good enough for us as well. But God is infinite, and we are finite. So keep your ego. It’s not bad to have one. Just keep it finite.
There are those who see money as the be all and end all in life. This can be compared to idol worship, and you know better than to worship an idol.
Of course we need money to survive in our society. But don’t think of money as paramount to anything else. Put your admiration into your loved ones, friends and favorite vocations instead. This is how you find the true essence of life and the real spiritual power residing in the universe.
It’s never too late to repent and make amends, no matter how much time has gone by. That is how you heal an old spiritual wound. Go on and heal that wound of yours. You can do it.