Spiritual people realize The Almighty doesn’t owe them a thing. There is no sense of entitlement. Anything received from The Omnipresent is a gift, a gift to be grateful for.

It’s no different between you and your parents. If you think they owe you because you’re their child, the bonds of love, trust, and respect between you have eroded.

Visiting someone ill who is not contagious is a mission of holiness. Being there uplifts them knowing you cared enough to stop by.Just don’t overstay your welcome, or they might feel stress if focused on you instead of on their healing.

Come with a pleasant disposition. It will have a positive effect on their body and spirit, bringing holiness to your deed. You’ll be a healer, even if you only help a little. Your deed will not be forgotten by powers far greater than you or me.

So visit someone ill if it doesn’t jeopardize your health. They’ll feel better, and you’ll be spiritually rewarded.

Your mental abilities are like stars at night. In darkness they help you with direction. Yet during troubling times, as in stormy skies, finding direction can be difficult. So you rely on your knowledge to guide you.

Your spirit is your fire within. It brings you warmth and light. Even in troubling times, like a damp and dense fog, you can find warmth and light. Just rely on the Source from where your soul originated.

Disease is a reality we dread. We can’t see it, but it is not fictitious. It’s very real. To prevent it we eat right; exercise; we immaculately clean; and distance ourselves from the sick to try to keep us physically healthy

Spirituality is a reality we admire. We can’t see it, yet we know it’s very real. To attain it we eat right; exercise; keep clean; and commune with those who positively affect our spirit to live in a way which will cause our soul to embrace the Source of life and keep us spiritually healthy.