You were bestowed with all you need, not necessarily want,  for a productive and meaningful life. Just open the eyes of your soul to see that. Find satisfaction in what you already have and you will find serenity and joy. These are among the best gifts the Omniscient granted you. Open them up and live in your heaven on earth.

Keep in touch. Three powerful words which, when spoken sincerely, express your desire to keep informed about how someone is and what they are doing.

Don’t forget to be honest with who you are and what you are doing as well. Deceiving yourself can be ruinous to your well being – and to others. Truth begets harmony. So for your soul, and for those you care about, keep in touch.

Your soul knows your body is rented space. The rent it pays is determined by your deeds it has to live through. The more wicked your deed, the more costly the rent.

When you die, your soul is evicted. Then it can move to its permanent home, free of any encumbrances. So until then, do your best to keep the rent as low as possible.

If someone gave you a priceless work of art to safeguard, could you be trusted to take care of it and make sure it did not get damaged or abused?

Your body was given as a home for your soul. You have no less of an obligation to be responsible for it and to protect it.