We can all perform acts of kindness, but embodying kindness and empathy with all your heart and soul will bring you to a higher spiritual plane. When someone is hurting and their spirit is down, a good friend will be there physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When someone has a happy occasion, a true friend will exude their joy. Such people give their attention to others with as much love as they give themselves, and we feel their positive energy.

People with little capability to be kind and to love selflessly are spiritually limited, as their capacity to love is meager and is mostly given to themselves.

Acts of loving kindness make us embody and become that holy energy. Perform actions feeling like this and the All Powerful will deal with you in the same way.

It also holds true for those who engage in malevolent or cruel actions. They will be dealt with in the same manner, even though they believe their reasons seem legitimate or justified.

If you pray, there should be a Yin and a Yang (the concept of dualism in Chinese philosophy) to your prayers. This will balance your soul.

Most prayers are Yin, asking for help: Get me through this financial fix; guide my friend during this difficult time; relieve my pain; et al. But don’t forget the Yang prayers of thanks: How good to have a job these days; I’m so fortunate for loving family and friends; I love my home; etc.

Prayers are not just for supplication, they are also for appreciation. We all like to receive praise or warm feedback now and then. So it is with the One you pray to.

The pure and unqualified love of a young child or a pet is such a joy and blessing. There are no conditions attached to their love; it is innate. I imagine that’s how it is in Heaven, Nirvana, Paradise, or wherever your idyllic world may be.

How wonderful if everyone always felt like that! What a shame that angelic essence leaves as we age. The love we feel today has added dimensions, and comes with responsibility. Yet the reward for that responsibility is joy. . .  and that is our greatest reward.

Saying “I have no choice!” is counter productive and usually pathetic.There is always an option if you will just break through the emotional barriers which hinder your creative thought.

Even if the choice you decide on seems dreadful, the outcome might be different from what you envision. A power far greater than you is overseeing the world, and that is the ultimate determinant of your destiny.