So you did a few bad things, or even many bad things. Even though you were emotionally or spiritually hidden from the good, you still have an opportunity to correct your wrongs. It’s never too late.

A new path is there for you. Go on. . . start walking!

Sometimes you will go through a spiritually dark and lonely place filled with fear, despair, and self pity. This is when you must find a way out and let the light in your soul liberate you.

Great people have all done that. Their greatness didn’t come from their suffering. It was an eruption of light from their soul which made them a light for others.

You, too, have that eruption of light waiting to emerge when you are in a dark place. Find it! 

Holiness is not manifest, yet it exists in every circumstance. As with electricity when you turn on a light, you can’t see it; but it’s there, and it’s all powerful.