Most of you who read my ‘Smiles’ believe in a Greater Power, in one form or another. Your Greater Power is good, and there are no exceptions to this. Even events which you consider tragic contain Its compassion, even though Its care over you in those events may remain obscure to you.
Leading a righteous life is no guarantee that you won’t endure suffering, but it is what makes your love or knowledge of your Greater Power real. Being good most of the time (we all err at times) will result in a reward in the World to Come. And if you don’t believe in a hereafter, you still have the satisfaction of knowing that you led a life which left a positive impression on your world.
When you have to deal with tragedy, it is the compassion that your Greater Power has for you which allows you to deal with it in this world rather than in the next. And again, if you don’t believe in a hereafter you still know that the trials and tribulations which you go through make you a better person.