Today you may be going through a really tough time. Maybe your home is being repossessed, you just lost your job, your significant other is walking out on you, or you have a medical issue which is worsening.
If you believe God, or an external all-powerful being or force, is looking over you, then don’t lose hope! You’ve been overseen and guided through other fearful times. The Omnipotent is consistent and does not change, so you will not be forgotten now. With courage and fortitude you will overcome this.
Monthly Archives: May 2019
Deep down you know you’re a good person and try to do the right thing. You try to correct whatever is wrong. But what should you do when no matter how hard you try you can’t make something right? Let it go!
You’re not going to change certain things, though you don’t know why. Don’t go overboard with your actions. Take satisfaction knowing you tried. Recognize what you can’t change and move on. Don’t be consumed by that negative energy. You can accomplish much good, but some things are just meant to be – no matter what. Accept that. You only become one with your spirituality through the positive energy in and around you.
You bring a special spark of divinity through the energy of your soul. It may be seen through your principles or ideals, or when you use your special talent. It may even be seen when you are challenged.
As your spiritual objective might not be assigned to anyone else, you are destined and duty bound to try and achieve your purpose in life. Not doing so is an affront to the Essence which gave you your sacred energy.
If you feel alienated from The Eternal, make an earnest attempt to discover why you feel that way. Then meditate on your relationship with The Most High. You will find you can induce Divine essence..