When determining your value system, evaluate the actions of others rather than the outcomes. This embodies the essence of your goodness. It forms the foundation for your values.

I feel regret for those scared to die. To be afraid of death demonstrates one is not in touch with their eternal soul.

Who knows what happens when we transition to the next world?  But knowing there WILL be a transition diminishes the unknown. Then this fear will leave us, and we’ll have more room for positive emotions – like love.

Some who read my ‘Smiles’, although spiritual, are agnostic or atheistic. They know intellectual arguments can deny the existence of God.

God can’t be explained with your mind. He is discovered, known, and connected through your soul. Your soul is always connected to your mind, but your mind may not always be connected to your soul.

You will experience a spiritual smile when your mind and soul are connected as One.

In the biblical story of Ishmael, the father of Islam, he and his mother are banished to the desert. His mother almost abandoned him as she couldn’t live knowing he might die of thirst. Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water which was there all along.

When you get worked up in a negative emotion, you might not see reality and react in a non-rational way to create a bad situation. Hopefully you can keep a “clear head” in stressful times and make decisions which won’t cause misfortune or unhappiness.

You won’t reach your spiritual peak if your concern is on what others think of you, or doing strictly what they want you to. Do that and you relinquish God’s gift to you of free will.

Instead, do what you believe is best. You will gain confidence, and you’ll also gain the respect of others. You will derive strength in knowing who you truly are, and your soul will be enriched.