If we all kept doing what is honorable, ethical and moral, there would be no need for most of our laws and civil rights. We would live not as a country of takers but as a country of givers. Then we could truly be one nation under God.

If you believe in God, or a Higher Power, you believe the Omnipotent usually allows for tolerance and acceptance. If you are judged, the verdict is often tempered with love and compassion. . . despite your acts.

So walking down a path of goodness and holiness means moving in a judicious and more temperate direction.

People are victimized when someone talks down to them, showing disrespect and ultimately devaluing him or her.

If you feel victimized, not everyone feels that way about you. You have much good in you. The person verbally attacking you is in a bad place, often to hide his or her own faults or misgivings.

Keep your spirit on a higher plane by speaking well of others. If you just can’t do that for a particular person, keep your soul healthy by maintaining silence.