Make the effort to be extra generous in your time or money whenever the situation comes before you. If you have ever been in need, you know how much that help meant to you. Of greater significance, you come to feel and understand the enchantment in giving.

Stop your pity party. To leave that bummer bash, don’t mull over your troubles. That only causes you to feel like you’re overwhelmed with sorrow.

Instead, take a brief respite. Then think of someone who is so bad off they would give almost anything to be you right now.

After you have done that, reflect on the joys in your life and what you can do for others today and/or this weekend. Then you can leave your pity party and join a pleasure party.

While traveling down the path of life, enjoy the journey more than the destination. You’ve heard variations of this I’m sure, but here’s a perspective you may not have considered:

The path is each step you take, and each step represents a day. With each step you take, stop and relish what is occurring, or what has occurred that day. This is your unique journey, your life, and it is different from all others. To embrace your journey is to receive a hug from your soul.

Your destination is the same as others, it is the objective in your life. Your arrival there will be the commencement of a wonderful place, an eternal place. Yet don’t lose sight of the wonders of your journey, which is here and now. This is where you should be, where you need to be.

You are royalty. You are the monarch of your own kingdom, whose subjects include your thoughts and feelings. It’s not an easy task to be a good ruler and keep peace in your realm. But you have the ability to do it.