When people must endure intense physical or emotional stress or turmoil, they often feel overwhelmed by it all.  They can feel that there is no hope left for them.

If you can look past the shells of darkness which hide the Light (
Judaism calls them Klippot) and look beyond illusion (Hinduism calls this Maya), you will not feel abandoned.  Look for the Hand of God reaching out to you and reach out to Him, or feel the Ultimate Power in the Universe if you don’t believe in God.  Then you can say, “I will find a way out of this with His help, or with this Energy.  I am not alone.”

If you spend most of your time focused on your anguish because of awful physical or emotional problems that you are enduring, you can get stuck in feelings of self-pity and hopelessness.  But there is a way to escape from that negative force – which consumes your soul and spirit:  Be insistent on changing your focus and direct your attention and actions towards others.   

You have the courage to do this.  Then you will not be stuck in your “woe is me” quagmire.  You will find the purpose and direction that you lost.  Your positive energy, which is the greater part of your essence, will begin to radiate again.  This will bring you relief and, better still, it will bring fulfillment to others.  The negative force which consumed you will ebb, and you will soon find yourself free from that emotionally dark prison.

We all have a “dark side” lurking within us.  It can control us in two ways:  One is to make us do things which are bad, immoral, unethical or hurtful.  The other way is to let us do good deeds – but to place in our minds ulterior motives which will lead to selfish, malevolent or unhealthy intentions.

Only you can allow your “dark side” to steal your positive energy and make you act in a way that has no spiritual merit or good purpose.  Perform good deeds with your true essence – your soul, which is pure in thought and spirit.  You have that ability.