There are times when you might find yourself acting differently from your normal core values. Later, you realized you shouldn’t have acted that way because that’s not who you really are. You’re a good person.

Your past transgressions don’t have to interfere with the purity in your soul. When you do something you are ashamed of, keep in mind you haven’t fallen down – you’ve merely slipped.

It is invigorating when we start a new chapter in our lives. But to really make it new, we must finish the last chapter in order to move on. Close that page from your past.

There are times when you seem to be having terrible luck, but in the end things turn out to be good. Say you missed a critical flight and then later found out the plane crashed, or you were thrown into a wall in your home only to find a valuable antique inside of it, or you fell on your head and x-rays revealed a tumor you never knew was there but now could be safely removed with no consequences.

So when things seem to be going really badly, acknowledge your dilemma but don’t stay depressed. It hurts your spirit. After all, fate might be holding a good finale for you, even though you can’t see how that could possibly happen at the time.

Do what you WANT to do, not what you FEEL like doing. We WANT to do what is right. But we don’t always FEEL like doing that. Keep your mind in control, and don’t let your emotions run away with you. You’ll find you have a powerful ally to help you maintain your goodness and your spirituality.