To make changes in your life requires effort, sometimes a great deal of it.  Quick fixes rarely work.

Each year you should take a spiritual inventory.  Get rid of those things which no longer have value so that you can make more room in your spiritual warehouse.  Then do what it takes to acquire those new spiritual possessions which you really want to have.  Your soul will enjoy the rewards from your labor.

We are free to choose the paths which we wish to go down, and our choices determine whether we have good or bad outcomes.  We may have people or situations exert great influence on our decisions, but the final decisions are ultimately ours.  We cannot blame anyone else for a negative outcome of a decision, as we consciously made that decision of our own accord.  We should repent if we choose wrongly, as we will be held accountable sooner or later.

Your greatest gift is the gift of life, and choice is the most important element of that gift.  Therefore, your life should be led with vitality and judiciousness.  Living a passive life is not living life.  Controlling your life and determining its outcomes is the meaning of life.  Your ability to choose gives you a feeling of  empowerment.  After all, don’t you feel better after making a decision?   

If you believe in God, know that you are not glorifying God if you go about shouting, “Praise the Lord!” like a cheerleader, but then go about your life acting like a jerk.

A person is not a cheater by having deceptive thoughts.  A cheater only becomes such a person when he or she actually commits a dishonest act.

Do you consider yourself a good person?  Stating your approval of worthy events or groups is not enough to make you so.  You must actually do beneficial deeds of your own accord, and not by being prodded to do them, to truly be a good person.

You were born good.  Never lose sight of that.  Do the things which will show that you still are.