Your courage is an admirable quality to have. Just be careful when you use it. It’s not a trait you should flaunt.
Life is a jungle. Where we find lots of courageous primates we’ll find lots of fat lions.
Your courage is an admirable quality to have. Just be careful when you use it. It’s not a trait you should flaunt.
Life is a jungle. Where we find lots of courageous primates we’ll find lots of fat lions.
Finding yourself in the dirt of life isn’t always a bad thing. Some of the most precious gems for your soul can be discovered there. Just be sure to purify yourself afterward.
There are special people who bring us spiritual light. Their radiance warms our soul. Others live for the mundane. If they fall they pick themselves up to rise to a higher level to overcome a future challenge. The former can show us a spiritual path through enlightenment. The latter are grounded spirits who may open roads for our earthly existence. Each are special souls with an extraordinary gift. We are blessed to have them both.
Truly spiritual people realize they have no rights nor expectations in their world. This would put a priority on themselves. This is selfishness.
Instead, they understand they have obligations which they should commit to – and to honor. This puts a priority on others. This is benevolence.
Some people don’t want to change themselves at this point in their lives. They have learned to be content with who they are.
What they don’t realize is they’re afraid to become a better person. Their contentedness is actually a sign of their vanity and insecurity. These people, unknowingly, have low self esteem. They no longer have the confidence to change themselves in order to better their world. They secretly feel so inadequate that acknowledging a personal defect could be damaging to them.
Strive to find things to correct within yourself. Instead of feeling threatened upon finding a personal defect, see it as a stepping stone to a higher plane.