Monthly Archives: March 2014
I keep a placard of the Roman Rule on my office desk. It reads: The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it.
Never let words of discouragement get in the way of that which you believe in your heart or mind you can do. Successes are built on the failures of others. Keep trying to accomplish what you believe in. You can do it.
Performing a kind act creates an effect which resonates all the way to the greatest of energy sources and up to the highest of worlds. That act causes an energy and a blessing which comes back to us in some form or manner. A kind word used at the right time can prevent a car collision, a flood, or even a war.
When you do or say something kind today it will, in some way, make a warm and positive difference in the world – even if that change is imperceptible to you.
Our lives contain two kinds of tests: Those that we know are coming and those which are suddenly thrust upon us. With the former, we can prepare for it. When we are tested, passing it will depend on how well prepared we are. With the latter, passing it is up to how well we are able to deal with it. Those tests – which come suddenly without any notice – show the true mettle of who and what we are.
When you pass one of life’s ‘pop quizzes’, be especially proud of what you accomplished. Your success was not based on anticipation but on mental, emotional and spiritual predisposition.