In each day of your life, make it a priority to listen to some music, read a little poetry or some mesmerizing writing, and appreciate some fine art. This will ensure that your worldly matters do not extinguish the splendor of the spirit which is embedded in your soul.
Category Archives: Smiles
Make an effort to be as generous as you can. If you have ever been in need, you know the value of receiving help. Of greater importance, you have come to understand the enchantment of giving.
Why should we be looking for new wisdom when we don’t cherish the old? The foresight of our sages can be as new and fresh as if it were given to us today.
The Creator renews His kindness with continuous acts of creation. Therefore we don’t live in an old world because it changes daily into something new. So there is no old and new – it’s all new.
When you wake up tomorrow, realize you’re not old. You’re new!
Why did God make possessing material things so desirable? So we can choose the right reason to get closer to Him. If owning things was like owning slime, we might seek out The Almighty because materialism would be disgusting. So we strive to become more connected to the All Powerful when we are able to prioritize our values and sincerely feel He is our true destination for happiness.
Stars begin as dark, loose matter which slowly forms together. As that matter takes on it’s own shape and character it begins to shine. That is when observers can see and appreciate it.
You are that star.
Every good deed you perform is medicine healing your world from its present state. It doesn’t matter how great it is or how many you carry out, they are all powerful medicine. You might do something you know is good but you feel is insignificant. It’s not. That effort may be the one which cures an ill and makes your world healthier.
The next time you do a good deed, and each time after that, believe in your heart that it will be the one which heals your world. Your deep belief will eventually turn into reality.
Very spiritual people seldom talk negatively about others. They will speak unfavorably about someone’s actions, like saying what that person did was unfit, immoral or a sin. But they rarely make scathing remarks about someone personally, as this attacks that person’s soul. And they know of karma, that “what goes around comes around”. Saying something harsh about a person creates bad karma, and they wouldn’t want themselves to be the blame for adding contamination to their soul.
So speak ill of what another has done if you feel you need to. But speak of their actions, not the person. This can help to prevent your soul from becoming more polluted, and you can be lifted to a higher spiritual plane.
One who gives charity is united with the Lord, as charity is a pure form of benevolence. When you are charitable, the Holy One smiles down on you, as you are acting in His image.
Therefore, respect and honor those who offer charity to the poor, the needy, the sick or the elderly. This includes our government. Our leaders should govern by example, so we shouldn’t speak with disdain on governments who show compassion. It shouldn’t matter how the needy receive help as long as they get it. The Almighty will see this as good.
It’s understandable to have resentment for those who don’t give enough (or anything at all) to those in need, especially when they can and should. So one way to make amends for this is to give some of their money (taxes) to those who desperately need it. This is not “liberal” thinking. It is thinking in how to act in God’s image, as He is there for all of us.
Be grateful our government does this for your countrymen, and use their example to give more charity yourself. You will be doing a good deed and acting in a Godlike manner. The Supreme One will smile down on you for this, and your soul will smile back.
The purpose of a soul being placed inside each and every one of us is to discover the Oneness which comprises Universal Energy. We discover our Energy by maintaining a symmetry with our soul and our body.
Not only that, but you can achieve serenity by striving to ensure your soul remains dominant over your body. Your body can give in to your soul, but your soul cannot be overpowered by your body. That’s because your soul is inherently part of The Omnipotent One, which is everlasting. Your body only has a finite life span.
One of the basics to happy and healthy living is good and sound self-esteem. We must always work to build it and to sustain it. Without it we would become spiritually restricted, as we wouldn’t expect much from ourselves. Then we would evolve only minimally.
Self-esteem commences early in life when you begin to socialize with others. You might compare yourself to others, thinking some people are better than you in some way. That may be true, but keep in mind that you are better than them in some way as well. You can be proud of that.
Society can influence you. You are told what is important, admired and respected. Your social system defines success and failure, so your self-esteem can be influenced by where you think you fit in. If you see yourself differently from others, don’t be discouraged. This can be a positive sign of your own self-awareness.
Parents are instrumental in creating self-esteem in their kids. If they have good character, they will build it in their children. If not, they will probably put them down. Without support and praise from their family, children frequently underachieve and endure psychological abuse from those meant to give them care and guidance.
There are lots of people with low opinions of themselves. Many will prey on others to put them down, thinking it will raise them to a higher level by doing so. It doesn’t work. Individuals like that are sick. They make their souls unhealthy, as well as any life around them. Avoiding lowlifes like that improves your spirituality.
Believe in yourself. This is essential for your survival, both physically and psychologically. You matter, you have worth, and you have much to offer. If you lose a loved one, a role you enjoyed doing, or something meaningful, you can move on. But if you lose faith in yourself, you won’t be able to live a purposeful life.