You can translate the language of spirituality and feel its strength. Not through hearing it or reading it, but by the meanings you discover within it.
Category Archives: Smiles
Your soul has limited space, and holding on to anger, hatred or hurt takes up that space. Clean it up by filling it with love, kindness and compassion instead. This will keep your spirit strong and healthy, and it will give you harmony with all the positive energy in our universe. So make every effort to harmonize.
Your soul and spirituality are affected by how you live, but even more so by how you love.
Do you want to elevate your soul? Sing. It can lift your spirit up toward the heavens. When you’re feeling down, sing! It can take you away from the humdrum routine and negative energy found in your everyday life.
There’s no concept of being a bad singer to your soul. It always finds your singing wonderful. After all, you can make it soar. So sing by yourself or sing with others. Just sing out. . . and feel your spirit rise up.
Apply geometry to your life. Doing this can make you rise above the mundane.
Take the word “angel”. If you exchange the last two letters you make the word “angle” These two words have the same identical letters. This may not be coincidence. There may be a mystical reason behind this.
If you are going down a path which is not heading toward a spiritual end, apply geometry. Change your angle. This can rise you to the lofty path of an angel.
If someone wronged you and apologizes, and you feel their sincerity is truly genuine, forgive them and move on. If someone falls on the other side of the street, hurry over and help. In each case, don’t do it because you believe it’s the right thing to do. Even though that’s a good belief to hold on to, you should do it because you want to.
If you don’t feel this way, train yourself to do so. You can do it! As with other things you train yourself to do, eventually it will become natural to you. The reward is you will have achieved one of the great qualities of your humanity: Compassion. Spiritual peace will then substantially increase in your life.
One way you are admired is by your accomplishments. But another very important way is by your ability to admit to others your faults and your poor decisions.
This is your path to achieving the higher spiritual state of humility.
If you have heavy burdens in your life, don’t ask for a lighter load. Ask for a stronger back.
When you truly repented for past transgressions, your soul raised itself to a higher spiritual level.
Don’t over think and stress about what you did in the past. Why open an old wound? You wronged and you atoned. Your soul healed and moved on. Do the same.
There are times when you may view normal occurrences as just matter-of-fact or uninspired. At times like these you might question the workings of The Creator. Failing to acknowledge there is awesome majesty in EVERYTHING around you can have you thinking only a miracle will prove that your world exists because of Him.
Remember: A fantastic phenomenon which might happen to you comes from the same source which put the snail in your world.