Love is always sweet, whether you give it or receive it. Even when it seems bittersweet, the word bitter is followed by the word which truly defines the depth of the emotion.

Love is as common as the sounds of nature. Yet no matter how many times we hear its voice, we never tire of hearing how sweet it is.

Love does NOT make the world go ’round. Science has made that perfectly clear, and our soul agrees with that!

Instead, it knows love is what makes the world worth living in.

Searching for the Divine is like mining for the big gold strike. It’s hidden, so it’s not easy to find. But when you find it, you’ll be ecstatic. Either way, the feeling is the same: You’re rich!

Many are concerned about the negative energy they feel in the air today. However, changing the balance of spiritual power can alter that. If more of us lift our spirituality, and not speak or act bitterly of those who believe  differently, we can displace those bad vibrations with good ones. That will feel like Heaven.

Where you are in life is where you are meant to be. You’ll find more joy when you’re content with that. There’s a lot to be thankful for, so relish much of what life brings you.

You may not be responsible for most events which happen to you, but you are responsible for the way you react to them. A difficult path is to be objective. Objectivity is a path towards spirituality.

We exist in the waters of life, affecting who we are and what we will be. But today most of that water has become polluted.

Your soul has the quality of oil, which can rise to the top of that dirty water. There it can remain mostly free from the spiritual contaminates so pervasive in the world today. Rise above the water, and see the light from the heavens above!