There is a time to pray, as it is a high form of connection to your spirituality. But when action is necessary, prayer should not be your primary path to success. Believe you can change the situation, and don’t think about personal issues. You can make it happen, so move forward knowing the source of your spirituality is at your back.
Category Archives: Smiles
We all come into this world for a specific and unique purpose. This is the reason why you see the world a little differently from everyone else.
One of the greatest pleasures we have is paying our last installment, whether it be on your car, your house, or your life here on Earth.
Many people realize there is a dark force determined to destroy our moral fiber, yet they don’t recognize it when it subconsciously tells them to act in an immoral way. They see evil in obvious situations, but ignore it on subtle levels. So when they hear a voice saying to do something dishonorable, they assume it is their voice and carry it out to satisfy what they believe to be their own desire.
More spiritually attuned people can sense that something is wrong with carrying out such a demand. People of high moral values know they are doing something wrong, even if they can’t help themselves at that moment. In such a case, they earnestly compensate for that later in acts of redemption. If you are spiritually aware, the same should hold true for you.
What do people think when they see a husband and wife in an intimate embrace? Some think of carnal thoughts and smirk. Others think in a similar vein but put on a warm smile. The former thinks of something lewd, the latter thinks of something spiritually fulfilling. Why the difference?
Because when soul mates perform acts of love, many realize they are performing acts of holy intimacy. We can rise to a higher level at these times. When we complete such acts of love, we may feel at one with our mate and the world around us. This can be the highest level of spiritual feeling one can achieve.
In the Bible there is a chapter titled “The Song of Songs”. It depicts a man’s love for a woman. These writings are deliciously sensual and contain descriptions which may seem unlike holy writings. In fact, ‘The Song of Songs” can be seen as the holiest of writings. It’s all a matter of your perspective.
Humans are often compared to many things: A rock, an island, a bump on a log. . . the list is endless. Yet we are rarely compared to that which we have the most in common with – a tree.
Your roots are your history. They cannot be seen, yet they give you the basis for your life.
Your trunk and foliage show your appearance on a physical level.
Your fruit, nuts or seeds are your spiritual legacy. This is what you give to the world, be it nourishment, shelter, or the ability to bring others into a new and better life.
You are a tree. Be fruitful, and continue to produce good results for the rest of the forest.
The next time you catch yourself loving things and using people, remember it should be vice versa.
The Bible said God created us in His image. Create your world to make it a good one for you, so you feel comfortable with who you are. Others will be drawn to you and be inspired by you. It is not through any proselytizing but by your deeds where people will be more likely to follow the sounds of the music you sing to life.
Achieving greatness is not preordained, even if the circumstances which allow for it are. There is no guarantee of success.
It is said if you don’t go through the window of opportunity when open, you will miss your chance. Don’t believe such negativity. If you can’t open it, go through the adjoining door. Your own actions and ingenuity are what will make your dream come to fruition.
Your body language conveys how you feel about yourself as well as to those you are interacting with. So carry yourself well, and walk to show your life has meaning, because it does. By maintaining good posture, you keep your physical and spiritual manner erect. In this way you are in greater harmony with your surroundings.