Being content is something we should always feel for what we have, but never for what we are.
Category Archives: Smiles
If you don’t criticize someone when they are making a mistake, you have wronged them by enabling them. If you criticize someone when you can’t change an outcome, you have wronged yourself by judging inappropriately.
So… when to criticize? Look to God for guidance. If you don’t believe in that, then pause before saying something and look in to your spiritual essence for the appropriate wisdom.
We must make as little or as much quality time as needed for introspection; to examine who we are now, where we are going and what we want to accomplish for ourselves and for our personal world.
If someone in your immediate family, or a good friend, came to you for advice, what would you do? You’d find somewhere private – devoid of distractions, turn off your cell phone, and give him or her your complete attention. This would be the right thing to do.
Do the same thing for yourself as well. After all, who is more important than you?
Having the will to protect yourself and your interests is not only a positive trait, it is usually essential for your physical survival.
Being warm, kind, having empathy, and tolerating most others (including those you dislike or disagree with because of what they do or believe) is not only a positive trait, it is usually essential for your spiritual survival.
If you are trying to be a better person and someone taunts you for wrongs which you once did, pay no attention. By acting that way, they show that they also need to change.
You are truly ashamed of what you did. But now you have changed and you know it. So feel proud if someone does this to you. Act humbly around such a person… and smile from within.
Kindness is a great virtue. If you have that trait, don’t misuse it. One must have control over our positive qualities as well as our negative ones. Being kind to someone is sometimes not being kind to them at all; instead, it might promote something that they said or did which was not good.
Take pride in your positive virtues; just be wise enough to know when to use them. Being unpleasant to someone at times can just be your ‘tough love’. Still, try to give warm love and empathy wherever you can. It’s good for the spirit and soul of those who share in it, especially yours.
‘Love’ has to be one of the most misused (and misunderstood?) words that we use. Our reasons and feelings for using the word ‘love’ can be very bewildering, even when we say it sincerely.
Love can be fleeting to so many. We love someone because they are clever, funny or good looking. But when any of those qualities vanish, we may not love that person anymore.
When love depends on something other than a bond that we have in our heart and soul with another’s spirit, it’s not true love. It’s an infatuation of something physical or cerebral. True love comes from joining with the essence of someone, not the presence of someone.
To find Heaven on earth, first come to know your essence. Then discover and bathe in the light and wonder of someone else’s.
I sometimes roll my eyes when I hear someone say that they always tell the truth and never lie. I think… they just lied!
What is meaningful is that we should always strive for harmony with our significant others and friends. And if we must occasionally deviate from the truth in order to maintain peace and good will with those we care for, then that is a good deed.
If we simply look to material things for happiness, we’ll always feel unfulfilled and long for something more. Yes, “stuff” can make us happy, but the feeling is fleeting. Lasting contentment and joy comes from experiences such as love, kinship, camaraderie, and a closeness with the One greater than you.
When rain falls on vegetation, especially mature plants, you probably won’t notice any immediate improvement. It takes time for the rain to have a visible effect.
It’s no different when giving someone advice. You do your best to try to guide that person, but you don’t see an immediate change. But don’t stop trying to help him or her. Eventually you should notice an improvement. Even if you don’t, you fulfilled a noble purpose by making the effort.