A person is not a cheater by having deceptive thoughts.  A cheater only becomes such a person when he or she actually commits a dishonest act.

Do you consider yourself a good person?  Stating your approval of worthy events or groups is not enough to make you so.  You must actually do beneficial deeds of your own accord, and not by being prodded to do them, to truly be a good person.

You were born good.  Never lose sight of that.  Do the things which will show that you still are.

Repentance has one main condition:  One must take full responsibility for his sin, and not make excuses.  Excuses are just ways to try to get a lighter sentence.  One must admit to failure and sin, and then repent deep within one’s heart… and that heart should feel hurt and broken.

Here’s an example of the first excuse given by the first man, taken from the Bible:  Adam ate the forbidden fruit and then tried to give an excuse to God – “The woman who You gave to me tempted me to eat of it.”  This is why his repentance did not help.

It’s natural to fail and sin, as we are not perfect.  But when we do, we must own up to it and put the full burden on our shoulders and in our heart.  If you truly feel that weight at both places, don’t feel like you are a loser.  On the contrary, you are a winner.  You will rise up higher than before, be respected by your peers, and you will become more spiritually sound.

When people vehemently disagree with one another, it can be argued that it is better to attack someone physically rather than assault them with sharp words.

Physical injuries will usually heal.  But this is not the case when there is deep emotional injury.  It can last a lifetime, as there might not be any medication which can eliminate that pain.

Your spirituality comes from exuding the goodness in your heart.  It also comes from tempering the sharpness in your tongue.

If you feel as if you have lost your spirituality, take heart.  As bad as it feels, and as questionable as it seems, every descent of your soul is for the sake of the ascent that will come.

Our President took criticism for stating that a successful business was not built by one person alone.  But look.  We were given positive qualities from our parents, golden opportunities from our community, support from coworkers and customers, and blessings from the Power Around Us.

We should not be so full of conceit that we become an ingrate. Giving thanks and credit to others for your successes in life makes you a better person, to them as well as to yourself.

Blind people intensify one or more of their other senses to make them more successful and productive.  By focusing on our strengths instead of our weaknesses, we will be more productive and successful as well. 

If you have been given a special gift, in the arts for example, make this the focus of your energy instead of spending most of your time on weaker areas.  Trying to make your weak points stronger is admirable, and we all should work on that.  But why squander valuable time, talent and energy which you could be using for a greater potential, benefit or joy to you and to others? 

Follow your natural instinct and, as the blind person does, apply and utilize the abilities which you have.  You will be more fulfilled, and your soul will be in a higher plane. 

Within the Eternal, our life here is a blink.  Yet on most days we act like we will live forever.  As we cannot predict our future, today is the best time to do something worthwhile.

We are turning into a society where everything which is easier or less time consuming is perceived to be better for us:  Fast food restaurants, on line shopping, prepackaged meals, even driving one block to visit a neighbor.  Our mindset is becoming such that the least amount of time and effort produces the greatest benefit.

If that’s the case, then why are more people on antidepressants that ever before?  It is partly due to society having such low self esteem.  By always taking the fastest or easiest path, we might subconsciously think that we are better off for it.  Indeed, many times this is the furthest thing from the truth. 

In order for a person to be happy, a person must have a sense of self worth and accomplishment.  So what can be done to achieve that?  The answer is by doing that which is not so easy to attain.  When we rise to a challenge and overcome a difficult obstacle, we feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment and joy.  We feel genuinely good and happy in ourselves, and life seems exciting.  We can’t wait for our next adventure and success.

Have you ever noticed that a meal which you prepared from scratch tastes better?  Walking across the street to another shop instead of driving there feels more invigorating?  Putting something together which came in parts gives you more fulfillment than one which you bought assembled? 

We mustn’t always take the easy way out.  The benefits will be great to all but the pharmaceutical companies.  We’ll take more joy in our existence and we’ll take less antidepressants.          

Don’t succumb to the false assumption that these times or your circumstances will never change or end.  That type of thinking either brings about a self defeatist attitude or an arrogant and blind overconfidence. 

Believe that change can and will happen, and plan accordingly and intelligently.  For change will happen, and when it does you will have had a part in either effecting that change or being ready for it.     

Modesty and humility are qualities to be regarded with esteem.  However, pride should not be taken as negative when it is truly warranted.  It is a spiritually elevating shirt which we may wear from time to time as we walk along the path of life.