of the most contagious elements is a smile. When given,
it is usually returned with one. If returned with a scowl, just keep on
If someone
doesn’t have that good energy you do, don’t let their negativeness sway
your feelings. You must be the one in control, not them. Feeling
good sustains your spirit. Positive energy benefits
your soul – and keeps you closer to the One.
When I was a child, I watched Grandma darn socks (sewing the holes in them, for those too young to know that term) so they could be worn some more. Today we simply throw out socks with a hole in them and get a new pair. In this world of cheap and disposable items, it has become more convenient to replace something than to repair it.
The practice of just throwing out something and replacing it has too often extended into our relationships with friends and associates. Some people simply don’t want to be bothered with the time and effort necessary to maintain a relationship if they feel they’ve been hurt or treated unfairly. They just decide to find someone else to replace him/her.
People are not things; they are living beings with souls. Their souls, mingled with yours, make your life greater than the sum of its parts. It’s well worth trying to put aside any negative feelings you might have from a bad incident and “darn” a relationship which was good in the past. Then you could wear it some more.
Creation was meant to put good in our world. So why do we live through so many bad moments and events? To know and appreciate the good ones.
Knowing bad enables you to know good. Good times and events are the spiritual meals in your life. Appreciate and savor every good morsel put on your spiritual plate. After all, creation was meant for you as well.
You have every right to be wrong with your opinions.
You have no right to be wrong with your facts.
Be diligent to clear away the veils of evil which are constantly thrown over your eyes.
See and acknowledge the truth so your soul can remain pure.
You have a great sense of humor when your perspective can become that of a spectator and you can laugh at your own misfortunes.
You were bestowed with all you need, not necessarily want, for a productive and meaningful life. Just open the eyes of your soul to see that. Find satisfaction in what you already have and you will find serenity and joy. These are among the best gifts the Omniscient granted you. Open them up and live in your heaven on earth.
in touch. Three powerful words which, when spoken sincerely, express
your desire to keep informed about how someone is and what they
are doing.
Don’t forget to be honest with who you are and what you are
doing as well. Deceiving yourself can be ruinous to your well
being – and to others. Truth begets harmony. So for your soul, and for those you care about, keep in touch.
Your soul knows your body is rented space. The rent it pays is determined by your deeds it has to live through. The more wicked your deed, the more costly the rent.
When you die, your soul is evicted. Then it can move to its permanent home, free of any encumbrances. So until then, do your best to keep the rent as low as possible.
If someone gave you a priceless work of art to safeguard, could you be trusted to take care of it and make sure it did not get damaged or abused?
Your body was given as a home for your soul. You have no less of an obligation to be responsible for it and to protect it.
Why do we sometimes make the same mistake over and over? Because even though we are aware of doing something wrong, a part of our subconscious hasn’t yet learned the lesson.
Instead of feeling stupid for making the same mistake, seek your emotional flaw which is causing the repetition. It’s possible if you are open and truthful with yourself, and finding it will bring improvement to your mind and soul.
Believe in yourself, especially when you make a mistake.