Fairy tales are wonderful, in part because they are swirled with reality. Yes, we read that dragons, evil sorcerers, and malicious rulers exist. But fairy tales give us hope. They let us know malignant people can be beaten.
This might come from a mental impediment. Their ego is so huge it takes up too much intellectual space, making them unable to grasp concepts outside their personal concerns or prejudices. Depending on their mindset, their actions may be positive or negative. What matters is whether their action will benefit them. This is not the true meaning of benevolence, no matter how it appears.
Infertility is found in bodily functions, but also in spiritual functions. Some poor, unfortunate souls lack the holy spark to emit spiritual light or warmth.
Use your acute senses to remove their veil of unreality. You are smart enough to do this, or at least you think you are! You’re a good person. When you do something with a sincere desire to help, with no regard for personal gain, your soul will burn bright within you.
This is when you feel purpose in your life, when you’ve won the spiritual lottery!
The highest ideal we can reach for is to fix all the wrongdoing in the world. To achieve this, you should first correct it from within yourself. Then you can focus your attention on what is going on around you.
Kindness does not discriminate. It is endorsed by the King of the Universe, regardless of who offers it. Take it or give it without exclusion. In either case you will be better for it.
One of our goals is to achieve a meaningful life. To do this means taking ownership to help others find meaning in their lives as well. Criticism is one way to do that. But being critical shouldn’t be used to point out what they are doing wrong, but to explain how they may be harming themselves.
This means establishing real love for them. Your feeling will resonate in their soul. They will recognize your words as sincere and not being offensive. Then they can see your criticism as not disapproving of their faults, but truly aiming to be constructive in your effort to help them. You will be appreciated for that.
Wrongdoing doesn’t come from what you feel in your heart or what you do privately in your home. It comes from your actions which affect the spirit of others. And if your behavior is self-centered, your good intentions can get blurred .
You have a good soul, so consider any repercussions to others before you take any action.
Many people have hoped, at one time or another, for a miracle. Only if an event appears to fall outside the natural order of things do people view it as a miracle. But the natural order already contains many miracles.
There are miraculous events happening around you every day. Allow your soul to see what your eyes cannot, and you will thrill at all the miracles in your life.
We can’t choose how we want to be remembered. Yet every act we do has meaning and significance, the sum of which will ultimately determine our justice and eternity.
Others will see you as weak if they think you are vulnerable to praise or flattery. Let’s face it, we all want to feel loved – especially after being scorned or rejected. Your strength comes from believing you can handle adversity or unkind words.
You are unique, which makes you very valuable in our world. So be self-assured. It will make your soul healthier, and eventually aid you in overcoming any negative situation around you.
Do you remember the last time you donated money or a possession? In the grand scheme, you gave little.
Now remember the last time you gave of yourself. That’s when you gave a lot.