It’s natural to feel frustrated when you fail at something, but don’t get angry about it. Learn to appreciate it.

It’s important to continually learn. A stagnant mind is no different from a stagnant pool of water: It eventually becomes smaller and contaminated. There is always something attainable from a setback. A discouraging event can bring a new insight. Learn from it and become more resourceful. It will uplift your spirit and your soul. 

There are those whose goal is for self-fulfillment and not for self-improvement. Their selfishness not only blinds them to the needy, but also to the Holy.

When you see the needy and do something for them, the Holy sees you and does something for you.    

Whether you vote during an election, whether you help someone in need, or whether you connect with your Supreme Being in some way, the same adage holds true:

Doing something is better than doing nothing.

Make it a priority for some solitary time. Sit somewhere peaceful. If you feel a need for some sound, very softly play music which is mystical in composition. Breathe deeply, focus on each breath, and clear your mind. You’ll be able to meditate and contemplate. You can find yourself at One, and be in harmony with the positive energy around you.        

Do this and you’ll find the discord in your life easier to deal with – and we all could use that.

A lot of people have reasons for loving someone or something. Reason is the capacity for rational thought, and thought comes from your mind. So if your reasons for loving no longer exist, your mind is responsible for that love to disappear.

Real love is found in your soul, and as long as you live your soul will never leave you. The beauty in the love you hold so dearly is it will always be there in some manner. Love is the essence of your soul. Thoughts in your mind may change or disappear, but what is embedded in your soul will never go away.

Someone is trudging through a desolate, hostile, and vast desert. As exhaustion approaches, an oasis is spotted in the distance. The trekker plods on in that direction, never giving up although weak, thirsty, and tired. The desert is how life often seems to be.

You know the traveler: Your friend, a family member, a loved one, a co-worker, even someone you only met once or twice. That person approaches the oasis knowing refreshment, comfort, peace, and rejuvenation will be there. The feeling of anticipation is almost like a religious experience.

And you are that oasis.

The soul is like the wind. We can’t see it,. but we can feel it. At times it is a gentle breeze which comforts us. And then it can be a hurricane so intense it can move almost anything in its path.

Your soul is that wind. It can open up to comfort you and others. It is also strong enough to move whatever you want if your will is steadfast. Your tranquility and strength lies in your soul. Cherish it. 

Someone is not a “good” person of faith simply because they attend their house of worship on a regular basis. Some go to socialize or to network, not primarily to connect with the Omnipresent. They read or sing in unison with others, but their words are rote. They don’t feel the depth in their soul during those spiritual moments. Or they attend a service to pray for themselves, hoping good will come to them. This is not the way a prayer is granted. Some even wonder how much longer they have to sit with the congregation before they can leave. What, you’ve never met anyone like that?     

To be good you must do good. That is when the King of the Universe sees your goodness.

The Omnipresent does much more than simply existing all around you and watching over you. The Omnipresent surrounds you with love and hugs every day. Sometimes you feel them, sometimes you don’t; but your soul always does.

Defeat the monster which has you in it’s grip. You call it addiction, electronic devices, current trends, excessive working hours, or the really bad one: Trying too hard to be favorable to a particular person or group.

Defecate that demon so it no longer dwells inside you! Free yourself from it and you can travel down  a path your soul knows is better for you. Your new direction will fill you with a spiritual light which can radiate for lifetimes.