Our lives are often an impure mixture of spiritual ascension with self-centeredness. We attend our church, synagogue, or mosque, yet later that day we do or say things contrary to those religious ideals. Although our actions may seem hypocritical at times, we must try to be consistent if we are to reach our ideals.

You are not perfect, so occasional lapses are natural and to be expected. The effects from your misdeeds are only temporary, only lasting until reparation or repentance. However, the effects from your good deeds can last a lifetime.

Accept your failings with grace. Never regret or grow discouraged with any good you tried to accomplish but didn’t, even if not succeeding felt like a weakness to you. You will, in some way, be rewarded for any effort where your intentions are good. . . no matter what the outcome.

Women’s physical beauty peaks in their twenties. Later, many attempt to hold on to their looks by using more make-up, dressing differently, or having surgical procedures. They put a high priority on appearance because they are apprehensive entering their later years. They fear losing their attractiveness.

Women reach peak spiritual beauty later in life. They come into this world with a spirituality and sensitivity greater and deeper than most men. Each year can bring a woman greater insight into herself, her world, and the spiritual energy in and around her. Women who mature with a higher priority on spirituality over physicality have a bouquet in their life rather than a single flower from their youth.

Women and men can both become pregnant, as we are all fertile. When pregnancy occurs, you can feel the life inside you grow until it is ready to come into the world. And when it does, you will name it your idea.

Many religions believe in a dichotomy between the physical and spiritual: To reach the highest levels of spirituality, one must distance ourselves from the physical. The more separate we can become, the more spiritual we can become.

Yet the highest forms of spirituality can come through physicality. We were given the physical world as a gift, so accept it and embrace it! Take a meal and make it a festivity. Take any act and elevate it to a higher level. By infusing our activities – whether eating, playing or working – with spirituality, we become closer to the One. And that is the essence of life.

Many consider Abraham, the Biblical patriarch who initiated monotheism, to be the most influential person in history. He endured extremely difficult trials, not the least was having to offer to sacrifice his son. Yet he overcame every one and became endeared to The Omnipresent.

You have been given the same opportunities. . . yes, opportunities! Difficult trials give you the chance to overcome them, no matter how extreme, and then you will also become endeared to Him.

Some disputes are good to debate, for they are matters of principle. Unfortunately, many devolve into a personal matter. Such can be our nature. What starts out as a clean debate turns dirty with negative passion.

You have been given a gift when you can keep matters of the mind separate from matters of the heart.

Let’s say a man was down on his luck in his early years, but there were folks in town who let him stay with them, with free rent and board, to help him out. He eventually left town and years later became very wealthy. When he returns home for a week on business, he runs into the people who helped him in his youth. If they invite him to spend some time with them, it wouldn’t be right for him to refuse, as it could hurt their feelings. If they were good enough for him when he was poor, that attitude shouldn’t change because he was now rich.

Just as it is good for you to help someone in need, it is just as good for you to show gratitude to those who aided you. After all, you wouldn’t be where you are today if not for the support of others. Your station in life has nothing to do with who you, or others, are. Your soul is no better or worse than any other, regardless of your physical or material condition.